勿忘我 Wu Wan Wo = Forget me not
Follow the Nature, Respect the Climate, Soil and Skills => The Quality of Great Taste!
勿忘我黑金醬油_濃郁勿忘我黑金醬油系列*黑 金 醬 油 - 濃郁
Hei-Jin Soy Sauce - Rich
*產 區:台灣中部
Growing area : Middle Taiwan
*釀 油 方 式:陶甕天然日曝
Brewing method:Nature fermentation in terracotta
*醬 油 顏 色:深琥珀色
Color:Dark amber
*口 感:入口微鹹,濃郁豆香,尾韻回甘帶有黑豆發酵的甜味。
Flavor:Initially with note of slightly salty, rich black bean aroma and after tasting with sweetness from fermentation of black bean.
*建議搭配食物:炒飯, 炒麵, 燉肉, 蒸魚…等,適合各式炒、滷、燉類料理。
Serving suggestion:fried rice, noodles, stewed meat, steamed fish…etc.